Religious People who Dont like Nuetrality
I recently looked back at a forum I was once in, where I mentioned that I was Agnostic. I said that while I did not believe in the religious views of others, I respect deeply that other people do. I could be wrong, and I have no way of knowing that IM right. I even said that Religion does alot of good in the world, and that a man of faith is something also to be respected in himself. But in that statement I was beaten down with the egos of three religious nuts. For anyone who is religious and is not a dick about it, this does not apply, but it is not the first time that I have been attacked for saying 'I dont believe but Im glad that you do." Im going to hell, and I am a forsaken retarded idiot. Apparently. Im glad that I respect people who have their views, because if I didnt, I would have said some retarded, idiotic things as I had the rightous rant of another person shoved down my throut.
And for any person who is angered by this, I am sorry. I only am curious as to why some people cant accept that others do not believe the same as they. And it is that that I find one of the countries greatest problems. I am a supporter for religious freedoms in this country, but I am also a supporter for seperation of church and state. Even as a non-christian, I dont understand why they would spend government money to remove a replica of the ten commandments. Just because it is from the bible doesnt mean that it doesnt follow the same principles as our goddamn laws. But I've said that before and was talked down for (apparently) being stupid about it... from people who would not have people argueing for their side from a different perspective. I do not say that all Christians are aggressive like this, only that a select few seem to have an attitude about it."