Religious People who Dont like Nuetrality
Published on July 8, 2005 By Quasith In Religion
I recently looked back at a forum I was once in, where I mentioned that I was Agnostic. I said that while I did not believe in the religious views of others, I respect deeply that other people do. I could be wrong, and I have no way of knowing that IM right. I even said that Religion does alot of good in the world, and that a man of faith is something also to be respected in himself. But in that statement I was beaten down with the egos of three religious nuts. For anyone who is religious and is not a dick about it, this does not apply, but it is not the first time that I have been attacked for saying 'I dont believe but Im glad that you do." Im going to hell, and I am a forsaken retarded idiot. Apparently. Im glad that I respect people who have their views, because if I didnt, I would have said some retarded, idiotic things as I had the rightous rant of another person shoved down my throut.
And for any person who is angered by this, I am sorry. I only am curious as to why some people cant accept that others do not believe the same as they. And it is that that I find one of the countries greatest problems. I am a supporter for religious freedoms in this country, but I am also a supporter for seperation of church and state. Even as a non-christian, I dont understand why they would spend government money to remove a replica of the ten commandments. Just because it is from the bible doesnt mean that it doesnt follow the same principles as our goddamn laws. But I've said that before and was talked down for (apparently) being stupid about it... from people who would not have people argueing for their side from a different perspective. I do not say that all Christians are aggressive like this, only that a select few seem to have an attitude about it."

on Jul 09, 2005
hmm, well i'm glad you don't have to deal with you happen to remember the url?
on Jul 09, 2005
I cannot say I do.
on Jul 09, 2005
ok...just wondering because i used to also be a part of a forum that was idealogically similar...
on Jul 09, 2005
Pick a group, any group, and you'll find some assholes in it somewhere. I've seen the same kind of aggressive disrespect from agnostics, atheists, Christians, whatever. The world is swimming in assholes.
on Jul 09, 2005
Ive noticed the same thing. Its probably just a coincidence, that I have only come in contact with the assholes of said religion. Its just a pity in America that we have the concentration of Christian assholes (that is to say the assholes who happen to be strongly Christian) so they stick out in my mind.
on Jul 09, 2005
Well as an American Christian myself, I would have to say that yes, we do have our share of assholes, but not a monopoly on them by any means. Perhaps you have just focused on them, or your particular posts just attract them? Personally, I run into far more non-Christian assholes. I think a lot of it is perspective and topic.

I honestly don't think any one group has more assholes than another. It seems assholes come in all flavors. (Isn't that a digusting mental image?)
on Jul 10, 2005
I agree with you MasonM
on Jul 10, 2005
I only say America has the concentration of Christian assholes because the concentration of Christians is here and Europe. I supposse you are absolutly right. Every asshole I have met on the street has not grabbed me and said 'Guess what, Im ______ (enter religion/ethnicality.)'. It is unfair to say that their are more christian assholes, because I supposse its just that out of all teh assholes I meet or come in contact with, its generally spelled out that they are christian just by the fact that they are offended by the topic or the words that they chose to use. Come to think of it I know just as many athiest assholes... actually several of my freinds are athiests, and several more are religious, and out of the bunch it seems to be a prerequisite that the athiests are assholes. That is coming from an agnostic, who shares pretty much the same view only more tolerant... or so I think.
on Jul 16, 2005
"For anyone who is religious and is not a dick about"

quasith, I don't consider myself religious, although I am a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To the later, I hope one does not think that I am a dick about the gospel I promote, eventhough I believe it's doctrine vehemently.

"I only am curious as to why some people cant accept that others do not believe the same as they".

To you point I guess there are some who believe that there has to be an element of truth that can not be compromised. They just have trouble expounding what they believe, without a demeaning spirit. But concerning right & wrong..... to which some things don't really matter, but to things of eternal consequences, there can be no compromise.

What if every man did what he thought was right in his own mind? What kind of society would we live in?

peace friend